3 Easy Strategies Revealed for Women Who Want to Feel Confident in Relationships

Why Giving Too Much Can Leave You Exhausted and Unfulfilled

When we overgive in our relationships, it affects our lives in a lot of ways. It's hard to tell the difference between compassion and giving too much. The line between selflessness and self-neglect can sometimes be thin, so it's hard to tell sometimes. We tend to prioritize our partner's needs over our own so much that we forget about ourselves. 

It doesn’t help that we're socialized to give so much in relationships because we're taught to be nurturing and selfless, thinking that our value is how much we can help others. The result can be an imbalance where our own needs are overlooked.

We can SO EASILY fall into the trap of overgiving as spiritual women. It's because we feel a deep sense of responsibility and compassion for others that we overgive. Even at the expense of our own well-being, sometimes we believe our purpose is to serve and support those around us.

It's true that giving too much in relationships can make us forget about ourselves and make us feel low. However, there are several things that can help us feel more confident in our relationships. By doing these top 3 things, it is entirely possible to find a good balance of equal give and take that leaves us feeling confident and content.

It Undermines Your Happiness and Connection

In relationships, we tend to feel taken advantage of when we overgive. Eventually, this can lead to burnout and resentment. A relationship's trust and mutual respect can be eroded over time by this imbalance. In situations where we feel taken advantage of, our efforts and sacrifices don't get reciprocated or appreciated, leaving us feeling unimportant and undervalued. As a result, this can create emotional stress and damage our self-worth, so communicating our needs and establishing boundaries is crucial.

Reclaim Your Power and Authenticity

Giving a reasonable amount makes us feel better about our relationships and makes us feel more confident. Having confidence in our relationship makes it easier to express our feelings and thoughts more openly, which fosters a deeper connection. Confidence also makes it easier to confront issues calmly and constructively, which leads to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. 

When we're confident in our relationship, voicing our needs doesn't feel selfish, because we know our partner respects and values our feelings. Mutual understanding strengthens our bond and ensures that both partners feel heard and appreciated.

Here are my top 3 tips for finding a good balance between giving and receiving

Defining healthy boundaries:

You can establish healthy boundaries by starting small and being specific. Put your focus on one area where you feel overextended or uncomfortable rather than trying to set broad, sweeping boundaries all at once. For example, if you find that you're always the one accommodating your partner's schedule, make it clear by saying, "We should alternate planning our weekends so it's fair for both of us." It's easy for you and your partner to respect a boundary this way because it's clear and manageable.

Make self-care a priority:

Taking care of yourself helps you avoid overgiving by keeping a healthy balance between giving to others and taking care of yourself. You're more aware of your own needs and limits when you prioritize self-care, so you can recognize when you're giving too much at the expense of your health.

Regular self-care lets you recharge physically, emotionally, and mentally so you're not always running on empty. The replenishment reduces the chances of burnout and resentment from overextending yourself. Time set aside for yourself creates a natural boundary that protects you and keeps you from overgiving.

Share responsibilities in the relationship:

Discussing and dividing tasks based on each partner's strengths and preferences is an effective way to share responsibilities in a relationship. Get together and make a list of all your responsibilities, whether it's household chores, financial obligations, or emotional support. You can then assign tasks to everyone in a way that feels fair and plays to their strengths. You could divide tasks based on your preferences, like one of you enjoys cooking and the other enjoys managing finances. Sharing responsibilities this way ensures that everyone's capabilities and interests are taken into consideration and responsibilities are shared fairly.

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